Rest isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity.

Our services

I will match you with, either myself, or a postpartum doula on our team! All of our doulas have gone through a screening process; background checks, CPR & First Aid, doula certifications, etc.

Day Support: Minimum 4 hour shifts

  • Household tasks; dishes, sterilize bottles, laundry, meal prep

  • Sibling care; care for older kids while you cuddle your sweet newborn!

  • Newborn care; feed baby, swaddling, diaper changes

  • Emotional support; help you process your birth and postpartum journey. Answer any questions you have about postpartum, breastfeeding, or newborn care

Night Support: 8-10 hr shifts

  • Taking care of babies needs throughout the night so you can get a full nights rest!

  • Feed baby pumped breastmilk or formula, or bring baby to mom to feed.

  • Burp baby, change diapers, swaddle, and soothe baby back to sleep.

  • Provide notes on how the night went.

Want to become a Postpartum Doula?

Do you want the inside scoop on what being a postpartum doula looks like? What trainings to take, how to find clients, how to start your own business, etc.

Book a 1 on 1 coaching call with me and I’ll give you all the details and answer any questions you may have! Fill out this form and I’ll reach out to you within a few days to schedule our call.

1 hour coaching call- $99